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The Healing Equation of Reiki

06 Apr
by sheryl 0 comments

As a Reiki Practitioner, I strongly feel it is essential to remain neutral, and gently immersed in the radiant energy during a healing session — to allow that powerful “healing equation” to happen.

So what is the “healing equation?” That refers to the three components of healing: you the Practitioner, the Universe, and the Reiki recipient. And a major part of that equation is to be focused in the present moment, letting go of all expectations about any particular outcome of the treatment session.

It means not making any decisions about how YOU feel the healing should unfold. When a client comes to you with a specific health issue or challenge, you need to trust that the session will go as needed, guided by the energy, for the Highest Good of the recipient.

However, as humans with active minds, we all feel the need to concentrate on any problem areas. And of course, that arises simply from a genuine compassion and wish to help the person. It is important to just tune in to that beautiful inner light of the person and let Reiki work its healing wonders… For example, if a person has a knee problem, you may immediately choose to spend extra time giving Reiki to his/her knee, but even if you never touched that knee and only worked on the head and stomach, the healing benefits would still flow to where they need to go.

Strive to be very peaceful and nonjudgmental as to how a session will proceed. I have found that the system of Reiki works best when we think of ourselves as “healing facilitators,” simply inviting the Universal energy to flow in for the benefit of the person to whom we are offering Reiki.

It is essential to be diplomatic and tactful with what we choose to share with a recipient or client.  Many come with ideas that they are all “blocked” up in some way. I assure them that Reiki will work on their entire energetic field to help correct the flow of energy in whatever way is needed.  More importantly, I explain that Reiki elicits a deep relaxation response within a person, thereby boosting the body’s innate healing system to do its work.

What a Practitioner CAN do that is very beneficial and will help your client move into a healing and relaxed mindset is to ask them (at the start of the session) to be open to any healing they may need at this particular moment in time. The wisdom of the Universe will bring in whatever healing is appropriate for an individual, and you just need to trust this simple premise.

As we bring in the energy and let our personalities and egos step aside, I believe we enter that neutral, almost meditative space — a place of openness — in which more effective healing can take place.

Overall, Reiki is about harmony, about facilitating ones ki (life energy) to be strong and free-flowing in order to keep one in a positive and vibrant state of health. Just remaining in tune with this easy concept can help keep us focused on the present as we offer a session. So let the healing unfold… because there will always be benefits.  And it is always for the Highest Good of an individual. Minimally, every one leaves a Reiki session more relaxed and tranquil then when they arrive…

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    516 884 6657


    Farmingdale, NY