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Practicing Reiki — A State of Mind

01 Jun
by sheryl 0 comments

What do you think of when offering a Reiki session?  Do you imagine the energy flowing? Do you think of the Reiki symbols?  Do you easily align with the “Reiki consciousness” or do feel you need to concentrate hard to be in the flow?

Reiki is a place to “be” — not an action “to do”.  Sometimes people say “I am doing Reiki.”  Reiki is more a state of mind…and a state of being.

The more we “work” at it, the more resistance we offer and the less clear and peaceful vessels we are for this stream of Universal energy.

When we give a session to someone else, we are connecting with them in a very special, compassionate and powerful way. We are tuning in to our own beautiful, illuminated inner light to help them rediscover their own remarkable, joyful, peaceful inner light. Those inner lights are our connection to the Divine — to the soulful aspect of ourselves. Our lights are always there, but sometimes masked by layers of “life” — meaning challenges, stress, ailments, etc.

The practice of Reiki helps unmask ones bright inner light. This is assisted by certain techniques and meditations, mindset, understanding, compassion and doing regular self-Reiki.

Reiki is a spiritual practice, not merely a “hands-on healing” modality.  Reiki is a very unique and harmonious place to “be.”

When we are brand new Reiki Practitioners we sometimes see Reiki as simply a series of hand positions for healing.  As we gain some experience and as time goes by, we begin to understand that Reiki is so much more.

Yes, we often use visualizations to keep our mind focused and quieter, especially when we are new at this.  But as we move along and go more deeply into our practice, we learn how to simply let go of our busy mind chatter and become one with the Reiki energy.  Of course, this is a complex process that takes inner work and commitment to our practice.

When we can get to this place of inner quietude, of trust in the Reiki energy, in the space of connection and Oneness with all things, we truly become facilitators for amazing and uplifting healing to happen… for ourselves and for others.  And we bring so much more harmony and serenity into our own lives.

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    516 884 6657


    Farmingdale, NY