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Reiki – Be in the Space of Interconnectedness

03 Jul
by sheryl 0 comments

I spent a wonderful day with my teacher, Frans Stiene, for what he now joyfully calls a “Reiki Play Day” in New York City.  Open to all Practitioners, the day is filled with Reiki — and energy work — including chanting and some moving meditations.

However, my biggest takeaway is Fran’s very simple way of looking at Reiki.

Reiki is not something you DO to someone.  It is not something you GIVE to someone.  It is not manipulating, transferring or directing energy.  Sometimes I hear people use those terms to describe the energy of Reiki.

So from Frans’ viewpoint, “rest in the space of interconnectedness with the intention that each will take what they need from it.”

Which means both the giver and receiver of Reiki both can take what they need for their Highest Good.  It is not just that the Practitioner is doing a Reiki treatment on the recipient.

And one does not have to be so ACTIVE as a Practitioner, deciding to push or pull energy or move energy.  It is simply BEING in this healing space with another,  holding the space so that all healing possibilities simply can be accessed.

Let your “great bright light” within connect with that great bright light of another. That is real interconnectedness.

When you can move into that pure peacefulness of being that “facilitator” of Reiki — perhaps  simply aligning with that positive, Divine energy of the Universe or aligning with the knowing that you are in this place/mode of meditation and healing.

Let your intuition guide you as you meld with the serenity of Reiki.  Trust that Reiki will provide whatever you need at this moment in time. When you can be comfortable, confident, open and receptive in this space, then healing, benefits, inner peace and deep relaxation will come to both you and your recipient/client.

And the is where that expression “BE Reiki” says it all.

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    516 884 6657


    Farmingdale, NY