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Reiki Symbols — Mystery, Mastery and Musings

01 Nov
by sheryl 0 comments

The Reiki symbols can appear to have an air of mystery or of the unknown to newcomers to this system, who learn of them as they begin their first step along the Reiki path with Level I training. They begin to have a knowing that these symbols exist within the system but may wonder exactly what they are and how they are used. However, the symbols themselves are generally not taught to students until Level II.

Usui Reiki utilizes four symbols; Usui/Tibetan Reiki has a total of six; and other branches of Reiki may have differing and varied symbols as well.  Karuna Reiki has another eight symbols!

When I refer to the “Reiki symbols” however, I mean the original four symbols believed to be used by Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata. Those are the ones that I use in my teaching curriculum.  Three are learned in Level II and an additional one at the Reiki Master Level.

The symbols each have their own meaning, their own “vibration” and each serves a specific purpose within the system of Reiki. The Level II ones are sometimes called “The Three Sacred Symbols.” The idea that they are sacred guides us to use them only when receiving them as part of the learning process for Level II, called Okuden in the Japanese perspective of Reiki.

In fact, learning the symbols is a large part of the Okuden studies because the symbols are something very new and different. They are the pictorial representation of certain concepts which have been integrated into the Reiki modality.  Overall, they help connect us even more deeply to this energetic practice. They assist with our “energetic awakening” to more facets and a more profound understanding of Reiki.

We can use the symbols during our sessions and in other creative ways in our daily reality.  However, the most important connection is to integrate them into our consistent practice so they become part of us!

It is believed that Usui worked with the symbols as powerful learning tools to assist those who could learn more easily with these aids.  Some people learn more esoteric and abstract concepts simply with an explanation or focused practice — others benefit from more concrete learning tools — such as the symbols.

The fourth symbol — one that supports the path to enlightenment for us — is a very intense, empowering Reiki tool. This is taught at the Advanced Reiki training or Master Level.

I choose not to discuss specific symbols here as they are considered “sacred” though of course, they appear readily on the internet if you search.  Yet even if you study the symbols online — without the foundation of Reiki study and the corresponding attunement — the symbols will not actually be meaningful to you. It is the attunement that brings in ones instantaneous connection to the symbol.

Once learned in Reiki training, the symbols need to be studied and practiced consistently. If you become attuned, DO immerse yourself in the energy of each symbol.  Learn to invoke (draw) each one correctly, as your Teacher has shown you.  Practice chanting the symbols — this can be very empowering and healing. Make the symbols part of your daily practice.

At some point after you have been practicing with them for some years, you will realize that you have attained a kind of “mastery” in the sense that they have become an integral part of your life and that they will almost automatically and easily be part of each Reiki session that you do for yourself or another. And I trust you will come to know that they are a beautiful and enlightening part of this modality…

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    516 884 6657


    Farmingdale, NY